Green TD for Wicklow Steven Matthews has launched a plan for transport across East Wicklow.
One of the aims of the plan is to provide an electrified rail service between Greystones and Wicklow Town
The plan also looks to develop safe cycle paths in Kilcoole and Newcastle and create an active travel route from Rathnew to Wicklow Railway Station.
The transport plan is divided into three interconnected objectives consisting of Active Travel links to public transport, an Electrified rail service including extra railway stations and a Coastal amenity trail.
1. Active Travel to connect towns to public transport
Provide a safe cycle path from Kilcoole Town to Kilcoole Railway Stop.
Provide a safe cycle path from Newcastle to Newcastle Railway Stop.
Provide a safe cycling & walking route from Charlesland to a new Sth Greystones Railway Stop.
Further provision for active travel link from Kilcoole to Newtownmountkennedy.
Provide safe cycle path from Kilcoole to Newcastle (avoids most sensitive location on coastal route).
Provide dedicated active travel route from Rathnew to Wicklow Railway Station
These active travel routes will provide clear and safe access for commuters, students and recreational and community access to North Wicklow and Dublin area via an improved frequency electrified rail service to Wicklow Town with extra stops.
2. Electrified rail service to Wicklow Town including extra railway stations
Provide an electrified rail service between Greystones and Wicklow Town served by a battery electric train (Battery Electrical Multiple Unit BEMU, due in service 2025).
Construct an extra rail stop at Greystones South/Charlesland with an active travel link to Charlesland area and improve the existing rail stop at Kilcoole and re-open a stop at Newcastle. (all stops are served by an active travel link to population/town centres provided for in point 1)
Provide an electric train charger in Wicklow Town Railway Station
3. Coastal Trail Recreational Amenity– East Coast Trail Greystones to Wicklow
There are ecologically sensitive Natura sites on the coastal route especially between Kilcoole and Newcastle which may need to be avoided.
The route between Greystones and Kilcoole could proceed relatively quickly on an existing coastal path and link to the active travel link to Kilcoole in point 1.
The next coastal section, Kilcoole to Newcastle (ecologically sensitive, Tern colony, Birdwatch Ireland sanctuary and SAC) should be avoided and connectivity could be provided by off- road or other land route.