The Draft Heritage Plan has been developed to reflect the views of the public and local stakeholders
The Plan outlines a comprehensive vision for heritage in Wicklow, presenting a series of strategic actions under the following six key themes:
- Protecting Our Heritage
- Connecting People and Place
- Sharing and Celebrating Our Heritage
- Collaboration and Partnership
- Building and Sharing Knowledge and Responding to Climate Change.
This is the fourth Heritage Plan for Wicklow.
It aims to build on the achievements of the previous plans and is crafted in line with the national Heritage Plan, Heritage Ireland 2030, and the Heritage Council Strategic Plan 2023- 2028 ‘Our Place in Time’.
Submissions and observations are invited until 5.00pm on Friday, 3rd January 2025.
You can submit your view via the consultation portal here via email to wicklowheritage@wicklowcoco.ie
All queries to Deirdre Burns, Heritage Officer T: 0404 20100 dburns@wicklowcoco.ie