Wicklow County Council has issued a reminder to social housing applicants that assessment forms need to be returned by the end of July.
Wicklow County Council has issued a reminder to social housing applicants that assessment forms need to be returned by the end of July.
The current social housing assessment is a review of all applicants approved for social housing support with Wicklow County Council, prior to July 5 of 2023. Each local authority must carry out the Social Housing Assessment in accordance with Section 21 of the Housing (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2009. Letters have issued to all relevant applicants using the most up to date address on file. Any applicant that has changed address recently should contact the housing section in Wicklow County Council as soon as possible to update their address on file. A person in receipt of Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) is not required to complete this Social Assessment Housing Form.
The Council has stressed that it is “vitally important” that all approved applicants return their assessment form, as failure to do so will result in their application for social housing being closed. They will also be removed from Wicklow County Council’s list for social housing support.All approved social housing applicants should return their forms via post to Caroline Fox, A/ Senior Executive Officer, Social Development (Housing and Community), Wicklow County Council, County Buildings, Wicklow town, Co Wicklow, by Wednesday, July 31.