You're now able to get a hair cut or go out for dinner and a pint as we enter phase three.
But the public is being asked continue social distancing and to wear masks more often.
While enforcement powers are still being finalised, face coverings are now mandatory on public transport.
Phase three brings somewhat of a return to normality, with the reopening of hotels, restaurants and pubs that serve food.
While highlights, trims and fades are also back on the menu - as hairdressers and barbers reopen.
Creches, museums, galleries and churches have also been given the green light to reopen from today.
Shoppers are being asked not to take public transport into town at rush hour, as this should be for essential workers only.
Instead Dublin City Council, DublinTown and gardai say shoppers should stagger the times they take public transport or cycle or walk.
Meanwhile the Chief Medical Officer says rising case numbers and new clusters of infection in Ireland are a "worrying trend".
Dr Tony Holohan says it's an early indication, but it seems as though the level of infection is rising again here.