Wicklow Minister Simon Harris has confirmed that County Wicklow will receive over €120,000 for projects across the County under the Department of Rural and Community Development's Plan to improve parks, trails and outdoor facilities.
This will be a part of a 5-year strategic plan that will see €15 million invested into forest parks and recreation between 2022 – 2026.
Minister Harris said, "I am delighted to confirm that Wicklow has been approved for an investment of over €120,000 into our parks and outdoor infrastructure. Outdoor recreation is an essential element of our individual and community health and wellness. I look forward to seeing the positive impact the projects under today's funding will have on our communities and continuing to work to improve our outdoor amenities.”
Capital Works:
Devil’s Glen – Solar powered access gate to car park - €23,040
Maintenance Works:
Avondale Forest Park - €23,040
Ballinastoe MTB - €3,456
Crone - €1,152
Devil’s Glen - €6,912
Djouce (Deerpark) - €17, 280
Glenart - €5,760
Kilmagig - €2,304
Kindlestown - €6,912
Mount Kennedy - €6,912
Shay Elliot - €1,728
The Meetings Wood - €4,608
Ballygannon Wood - €34,560
Wicklow Way - €5,760