Minister Charlie McConalogue has approved 5 projects in Wicklow under the Brexit Local Authority Marine Infrastructure Scheme 2022-2023
These projects will enhance and improve the facilities in both Arklow and Wicklow harbours.
Senator Casey said these works, which will include harbour pontoons in both Arklow and Wicklow, navigation aids for Wicklow harbour and welfare and storage facilities in Arklow. This investment of over €102,000 for Wicklow and €570,000 for Arklow will help to improve much need facilities in the two harbours for both harbour users and vessel owners.
Senator Casey said “these added facilities will not only improve the infrastructure available in each port but also provide for additional safety and welfare facilities. I’m delighted to have worked closely with my colleague Minister Mc Conalogue in supporting this application for funding from Wicklow County Council. I wish to thank the Council for its work in submitting the application and for its financial contribution toward the projects. Also I wish to acknowledge the support of my colleagues, local Fianna Fáil Councillors Dunne, Annesley, Fitzgerald, Kennedy and others.”