Judges handed out €21.2 million in fines in 2018 - but only €6.8 million have been paid, according to details released under the Freedom of Information Act.
There was a recovery rate of less than 49 percent in 2017.
Here in Wicklow the figures show that In 2017 in Arklow, 225 fines were issued totaling just under €75,000, with less that € 37,500 collected, while last year of the 268 fines totaling €99,400 just under €35,500 was paid.
In Bray in 2017 820 fines were handed down totaling just over €229,000 but just around half, €114,900 was collected, while in 2018, 922 fines amounting to almost €267,000 saw only €97,000 collected.
The figures for the Wicklow district aren’t much better. In 2017 365 fines of just over €107,000 were issued but only €60,000. was collected
While last year of the 467 fines totaling €152,500, just under €67,000 was paid.