Travelling times for road users on the M11 south of Gorey are expected to improve dramatically from today with the official opening of the new Enniscorthy by-pass.
The new stretch of the M11 bypasses Enniscorthy, Ferns and Camolin so journey times will be shorter between Wicklow and Wexford from today.
There’s now a full motorway or dual carriageway route all the way between Bray and Enniscorthy with three new junctions south of Gorey.
It’s expected there will be a noticeable reduction in traffic congestion around Enniscorthy town centre in particular and also at Camolin and Ferns.
Three new sections of road have been built as part of the public private partnership scheme.
The total project cost around 400 million euro, and includes 57 new structures such as bridges and underpasses.
Chairman of Wexford County Council Michael Sheehan says it's a huge boost for the South East.
A second bypass, the new N30 extension is due in the coming weeks so you’ll soon be able to get to and from New Ross without passing through Enniscorthy.