The scheme is being funded by Transport Infrastructure Ireland.
The contract provides for the construction of a parallel service road to segregate traffic entering and exiting the residential and commercial properties on the southbound carriageway at Kilmacanogue as well as traffic exiting the mainline traffic at Junction 8.
The scheme seeks to enhance traffic safety on this section of the N11 by providing for safer traffic movements to and from the mainline traffic at Kilmacanogue. The service road will have a speed limit of 50kph.
The proposed scheme is approximately 1.6 km in length between southbound Junctions 7 (Bray South/Greystones) and Junction 8 (Roundwood/Kilmacanogue). The parallel service road will commence approximately 600 metres north of the Junction 8 diverge and will incorporate the existing exit ramp for Junction 8. Construction of the service road will require widening of the carriageway into the central reserve.
Site works will commence in the coming weeks and it is anticipated that the main works contract will take between six and nine months to complete. It is anticipated that two lanes of traffic will be maintained in both directions during construction, apart from isolated night-time closures.