Whitmore says the current legislation needs to consider those who are struggling to make ends meet.
A Wicklow TD will introduce a bill in the Dail today, proposing new legislation to protect financially vulnerable customers from energy disconnections.
The current definition only relates to medical vulnerability and does not take consumers’ financial circumstances into account.
Social Democrats Deputy Jennifer Whitmore says the current legislation needs to consider those who are struggling to make ends meet:
The move comes as the government has signed off on a 1.3 billion euro cost of living package.
There will be a 200 euro lump sum payment to welfare recipients and a 100 euro extra payment of child benefit.
The reduced 9 per cent VAT rate for hospitality is being kept until the end of August, with a warning it will be the last extension of the lower rate.
While VAT increases on energy have been delayed, there will be a phased reintroduction of excise on petrol and diesel starting in June.
Deputy Whitmore says these supports don't go far enough: