Green Party TD Deputy Steven Matthews has made a commitment to the parents, students and all users who have been failed by the 184 service that he will ensure the service is improved.
“I met with a group of parents recently whose student children have been left unserved regularly by the 184 bus. The 07:26 from Bray Railway Station to Newcastle failed to show on three occasions in one week and left parents scrambling for alternative solutions to get the stranded students to school on time.
It’s simply not good enough, parents had to return from their own work commute, cancel meetings and one parent had to organise a taxi for the group of students while on site in his work.
“Following the meeting I contacted senior management in the NTA and they have brought in Go Ahead, the company that provides the 184 service. The parents and students supplied me with the cancellation and delay dates and I have provided that information for the NTA to discuss with Go Ahead.
“I understand that bus drivers are in short supply and that driver recruitment and retention is an ongoing difficulty across the country but I am insisting that important school routes in the peak AM hours should not be cancelled. It is not acceptable to leave young students and others stranded when they have school and work commitments. I have made it clear that Go Ahead need to up their game if they are to meet their NTA contractual service requirements.
“I am collating reports on route service provision and punctuality and will submit this to the NTA for consideration when companies seek to tender for renewal of contracts.
“I am regularly contacted by bus and rail users when services are cancelled or delayed. I work constantly with the NTA, Department of Transport, Irish Rail, Dublin Bus, Local Link, Bus Eireann and Go Ahead to ensure we have reliable and frequent services across Wicklow but there are times when these services fail the people of Wicklow.
“The 184 service run by Go Ahead is an example of poor service and I am committed to fixing the problem with this route.”