Funding worth close to €62,000 has been allocated to enhance facilities in urban and rural communities across County Wicklow.
The Minister for Rural and Community Development Michael Ring has announced details of the 2020 Community Enhancement Programme, which will provide €2 million of grant funding to projects nationwide.
The programme is administered by Local Community Development Committees, which will publish details on how to apply and the closing date for applications, shortly.
Over €150,000 in funding had been ring fenced in 2019 for the development of a long distance walking trail from Bray to Woodenbridge with path construction, drainage, fencing and signage works due to take place.
The boost for the county will look to enhance tourism and the growth of related jobs in the hospitality sector.
It’s part of a wider government funding announcement under the Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure Scheme worth 8.4 million euro.
Over €350,000 had been provided to communities in rural and urban areas in Wicklow through the Community Enhancement Programme, supporting 75 projects in precious rounds.
2,100 initiatives received money under the department's community enhancement programme nationwide.
They include day care centres, youth cafes and community centres in disadvantaged areas.
Work to be funded locally include Roundwood, Arklow and Blessington Tidy Towns, Computer courses at Rathnew Community Centre Baltinglass Mens Shed and security for club premises at Eire Og Ladies.