Youth Diversion Projects work with young people at risk of crime and anti-social behaviour to divert them away from criminal behaviour and towards better life outcomes.
They are a key support to An Garda Síochána in the operation of the statutory Garda Youth Diversion Programme under the Children Act 2001.
Funding for YDPs and other Youth Justice measure has increased substantially in recent years, from €18 million in 2020 to a total allocation of just over €30 million in Budget 2023 – an increase of 67% in three years.
The four successful applications have been chosen in areas - Monaghan, Wicklow, Cork and Mayo - which have been selected for new YDPs following an open application and appraisal process.
They will receive funding of at least €1.5 million this year.
The announcements of the new YDPs brings the Government closer to achieving its target of having full national coverage of YDPs, ensuring that a service is available to every young person who needs it.
Another two YDPs are needed to achieve national rollout, and these are expected to be announced over the coming months.
There are currently 106 YDPs across the State and the additional four will bring that total to 110.