Extra trains will serve commuters in North Wicklow from this weekend.
🚨New timetable from this Sun 11th December
— Iarnród Éireann (@IrishRail) December 6, 2022
⏰ Check times / changes at https://t.co/amMngCItKA
✅ Extra trains from Newbridge, Hazelhatch, Ballina, Carlow, Athlone etc
✅ Better journey time Ballybrophy to Limerick via Nenagh
✅ More stops at Kilcoole, Kilkenny, Charleville etc pic.twitter.com/zVMJ1RazyO
Irish Rail have announced a revised schedule to meet demand in the commuter belt, with additional services also set to cater for those travelling to and from Newbridge, Hazelhatch and Carlow.
Spokesperson Jane Creegan says the extra trains will serve Kilcoole as upgrade works at the station continue.