Fine Gael Deputy for Wicklow Edward Timmins TD has welcomed the news that the school building unit in the Department of Education have approved an extension to Scoil Chaoimhín Naofa (St Kevins National School) Glendalough.
The newly elected Fine Gael Dail Deputy has taken the opportunity to highlight measures undertaken to understand the real challenges faced by schools in Wicklow with his first parliamentary question in the Dail Chamber relating to the new secondary school in Blessington.
Deputy Edward Timmins stated: "I am delighted to receive the good news for Scoil Chaoimhín Naofa Glendalough from my colleague, Minister for Education and Youth, Deputy Helen McEntee. This important project will include one new classroom to provide a class for children with special education needs, a special education teaching room for oneto-one teaching or group work, and a mainstream classroom."
On the need to ensure meaningful supports to students with additional needs, Deputy Timmins noted: "Within a few weeks of being elected as a new TD for our county, I met with the Educate Together Secondary School Wicklow (ETSSW) in order to fully understand the challenges being faced by mainstream schools trying to provide support to students with additional needs. This is area I am very passionate about delivering on for Wicklow because one in four children in Ireland requires additional supports to participate in education."
Regarding the new secondary school for Blessington, Deputy Timmins pointed out: "My first parliamentary question here in Dáil Eireann asked the then Minister for Education Norma Foley when construction of the new secondary school in Blessington will commence. This is a project I will be most rigoursly pursuing in terms of a timeline until a shovel is in the ground."