A number of premises will progress to tender stage for construction taking place in 2022.
The five Wicklow Schools are
Coláiste Bhríde, Carnew 1000 students - New build replacement school including a 4 classroom base
for children with special educational needs.
Arklow CBS -500 students - New build replacement school including a 2 classroom base for children
with special educational needs.
Coláiste Chraobh Abhann, Kilcoole - 1000 students - An extension to existing school including a 4
classroom base for children with special educational needs.
St Kevin’s Community College, Dunlavin 1000 students - An extension to existing school including a 4
classroom base for children with special educational needs.
Avondale Community College, Rathdrum - 1000 students - An extension & refurbishment of existing
school including a 4 classroom base for children with special educational needs.
Senator Pat Casey says today's announcement is significant for the county.