Wicklow County Council have appointed consultants to progress works on connecting residents in Kilpedder to the public sewerage network.
Since the estate was built in the 1980s, Garden Village has been served by a private sewerage treatment plant put in place by the original developers.
In 2020 the Department of Housing and Local Government announced over €300,000 of funding towards connection costs for Garden Village to the public sewerage network and the decommissioning of the developer built private sewerage treatment plant.
Following correspondence with Wicklow Minister Simon Harris council officials say they have yet to reach an agreement with the relevant landowners on a way leave.
The consultants have a proposed design for the pumping station, rising main and sewer to connect the sewerage system in Garden Village to the Woodstock Road sewer, where it will flow to Kilcoole and then be pumped to Greystones for treatment.