Nun’s Cross National School of Killiskey Ashford has been granted permission for a major extension.
The school’s board of management submitted the planning application to Wicklow County Council in August of last year, seeking permission for a single storey extension consisting of two mainstream classrooms, a classroom special education unit, two SET rooms, boiler house, and a link corridor to connect the existing three separate buildings to the existing school building, together with a secure external soft play area, minor internal alterations and elevational amendments, and all ancillary site development works.
The application came about after the school was granted funding by the Department of Education to construct a much needed extension for children on the autism spectrum.Six children on the autism spectrum will be accommodated in the proposed special education unit, which contains a classroom and auxiliary accommodation, such as a quiet room and multi-activity room. The planning section of Wicklow County Council granted the development planning permission, with seven conditions attached.