Environmental Impact Assessment Report needed for a proposed active area in Shanganagh Park, Shankill.
An Bord Pleanala has been requested to issue a screening determination regarding the need for an Environmental Impact Assessment Report for a proposed active area in Shanganagh Park, Shankill.Jaime McKeown has sought a direction from the Board in relations to proposals for the new facility towards the rear of the park. This would include the development of grass pitches and upgrades to the baseball and cricket facilities. A Callisthenics and workout area is also part of the designs. It is proposed that this would include equipment such as a sit-up bench and multi-exercise combi-station. The development would also include a new play area. According to the public consultation documents, the project would feature “the development of sand based and floodlit grass pitches, a sprint track with canopy and floodlighting and a shared baseball and cricket area all with associated netting and fencing”.