Tenders have been assessed for the Abbey Grounds project in Wicklow town and a contractor is due to start works on the site later this month.
Tenders have been assessed for the Abbey Grounds project in Wicklow town and a contractor is due to start works on the site later this month.In May of 2021, agreement was reached over the transfer of the Abbey Grounds to Wicklow County Council, after parishioners were asked for their input, following on from an allocation from Fáilte Ireland to Wicklow County Council. The plan is to enhance the develop the Abbey Grounds into an event space so it acts as more of a multi-functional public space.Detailed designs are still progressing for the amphitheatre and performance area. Material finishes are being worked through at present on certain elements of the design. Connection agreements with utility providers are being progressed.A site compound for construction works has commenced and the erection of temporary site fencing has been installed around areas of interest on site, as per National Monuments requirements.Design works on new entrance for parochial house are complete, with work started on site in this area.