679 schools will be connected to broadband by the end of 2022 in an acceleration of the National Broadband Plan.
Under the original rollout, some schools would have had to wait up to seven years for connection.
Now, all schools will be connected within two years.
St. Kevin’s National School in Laragh is one of the first 25 schools that have already been connected.
70 schools across the country will become Broadband Connection Points by the end of March next year, 20 of which will be in Wicklow.
Our acceleration of the #NationalBroadbandPlan will deliver high speed broadband to almost 680 schools by the end of 2022, supporting #DigitalSkills and providing equal learning opportunities to children across Ireland. #ConnectedCommunities #Ireland2040 https://t.co/7rsKy1K4aI pic.twitter.com/ZBSf18GMuh
— Dept. Environment, Climate and Communications (@Dept_ECC) December 10, 2020